The Dangerous unknown : Live the life you love or


When someone develops harmful fixations on people who have no intention of returning their attentions it can get out of hand and scary. They are usually narcissistic, grandiose and often underpinning that is low self-esteem , constantly posting pictures leaving you guessing as to the significance of the famous people they’re posing next to.

Do not even try to correct them because they will hate you instead of appreciating you . I have a weakness and have confessed down these same streets , I can’t shut up and I can’t help it, I’m a chronic over-sharer ( Live, don’t just exist )

Live the life you love or love the life that you live, the choice is yours so when you try to correct that one person and they respond by insulting you, don’t take offense. Listen to them. They’re telling you the exact negative qualities they possess . Their words often times will tell you what they think, but it is their actions that will tell you what they believe .

This happens when you know they keep eavesdropping 24/7 because their own lives lack purpose or electrified entertainment , it is a very very sad existence .

Some so-called friends on Social media are a dangerous unknown. They’re the kind of people who could do anything, like go on an all-out personal attack and you can’t tell how they will react to being unfollowed  or even blocked.

The best strategy is to BLOCK or MUTE them as that person will see that you still follow him or her while in reality you don’t see their news feed and they cannot send you direct inbox mail instead it goes straight into spam or “Others Inbox” that self destruct after a while  , they cannot comment on your timeline posts nor on your pictures thus avoiding making an enemy of them.

I strongly believe the very word “stalking” implies that you’re not supposed to like it. otherwise, it would be called ‘fluffy harmless observation time’ .

Once again , I say it slowly and carefully , my posts , quotes and social media updates are my general thoughts, if you catch feelings off one then more than likely it applies to you or you are somehow guilty . Confusing general statements as if it applies to you only means that if the shoe fits , feel free to wear it .



I post my thoughts , not what I go through or my situation , so Stop lurking so hard , please. Don’t study my life, because you will never graduate. My life lessons keep changing with change in humidity and it’s never that serious .

Managing my own life within 24hrs is more than hard enough . We all have the same 24hrs. When do you find time to exist ? All we can do is spend the time we have on earth effectively before we expire, you can filter or switch off ALL notification in your social media settings, so don’t feel guilty about taking some time out. Push notifications , it is ok .

I still maintain that folks who waste their short lives with macabre interest in other people’s lives should go right ahead, just don’t ever discuss it with me , who is minding yours? When do you find time for yourself?. I’m a hero of my own story of life.

So, Just because you are ‘friends’ on social network sites does not mean you know them. And you certainly should never act like you do.

Moral of the story : When they start complaining about “the route you take to get home or that you walk too fast” , you will know.

The internet keeps receipts
